3 Brothers Bakery
Launch Year
WordPress, WooCommerceTheme
Advanced Custom Fields, Yoast, Duplicate Post, WooCommerceDeliverables
Website, E-CommerceDesign Currently Live
yesProject URL
3 Brothers bakery had recently rebranded, and wanted to update their website to reflect that. Another client goal was to combine multiple domains into one, there were two blogs in addition to the main site, which the client was unable to update easily. Lastly the client wanted to integrate the online ordering system directly to their CMS, as their online order processing at the time amounted to printing out online orders and fulfilling them manually.
The primary design challenge to overcome was expanding the print brand guidelines into online styles, which ended up being successfully implemented. The main challenge on this project was the technical implementation. Migrating products from an old custom CMS into WooCommerce, designed custom plugins for making custom cakes, shipping integration, local delivery integration, and ordering by location.
The outcome was a CMS and E-Commerce platform that was tailored to the client, and has been flexible enough to grow with the client’s needs over the following years.